Maybe it’s an age thing, but where did those 12 months go? It’s been fine, more work-heavy than normal, I think, but given the state of the world right now that’s probably for the best. Lots of positives, as always - I had a nice long run at the Edinburgh Fringe (90 performances over 3 weeks…), the band have signed to a new booking agent, we’ve finally finished filming Harvey Greenfield and I’ve loved all the teaching (according to my calculations I’ve taught 1023 drum lessons and spent 1484 hours teaching in schools this year). Literally, nothing to moan about. Apart from, perhaps, lack of time for anything else.

That’s changing, though, I’m currently enjoying a lovely long festive break which has enabled me to finish off a few bits of writing - I have two new shows opening next year as well as the continuation of existing pieces, and I’ve also launched a new project where I am to teach 100 celebrities how to drum by next August - it’s all for charity, here’s the details:

Right, best get back to ‘relaxing’. I hope you’ve all had a safe, fun festive break, here’s to a lively 2023…let the adventure begin!